Welcome to audIT!
audIT is SaaS software solution and the industry-leading approach that allows you to take the information you've collected with fact finding meetings, data tools, or business reviews and create beautiful and intuitive sales-ready presentations.
audIT presentations can be composed of up to four categories. Each category is broken down into nine or less configurable items resulting in a 36-point technical analysis. By allowing you to historically retain these and generate comparative reports, you'll be able to show your customers the value you provide them in just a few steps.
At the end of the day, you want to close more sales. audIT helps you do just that in a revolutionary way.
We've got lots more to show you and are adding new features every day.
audIT is available for free for your first five company licenses. If you are part of the Kaseya ecosystem, audIT will show up in your Kaseya One portal automatically! Not on Kaseya One yet? Contact your account manager to get started (please allow two to three business days after you set up Kaseya One to be able to log in to audIT).
Not part of the Kaseya team just yet? You can set up your free account right from our website at auditforit.com.