Creating an audIT
audITs are specific to an Organization. To make an audIT, you will navigate to Organizations on the left navigation area, and then open up your desired Organization. Then, click Create audIT.
Getting started
audITs are identical regardless of the type you choose, but selecting the correct type will help you quickly categorize audITs later on.
- Baseline audIT: use this for first audIT you'll create for any audITee.
- Proposed audIT: this is the audIT you'll use to complement a proposal, showing potential improvements.
- Business Review: choose this type when conducting regular client reviews.
Building your report
An audIT is composed of at least nine audIT Items to create a 3x3 presentation grid. Items correspond to a specific technical area, like Workstations, Backup & Disaster Recovery, or Managed SOC.
Summary statements
The summary statement indicates the status of an audIT Item and corresponds to a red, yellow, or green marker to indicate whether an item requires immediate attention, needs improvement, or is satisfactory, respectively.
To set a summary statement, click an audIT Item.
Infographics add a visual pop to your audIT Report and are a great visual aid for your clients. We've preloaded some infographics, and you can always add your own.
Infographics will only appear if your audIT Item is yellow or red.
Notes and Change Log
You'll usually create a new audIT by cloning one you've already created and updating specific audIT Items as needed. We track these changes and place them in a change log.
If you want to add a little more context around a specific change, you can add custom notes to appear alongside your change log events.
To access notes and change log, click at the top of an audIT Item.